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Matrix Reimprinting


Matrix Reimprinting is a highly effective and very fast acting therapy used by a Matrix Reimprinting practitioner.


It can help to clear a vast array of physical, psychological and emotional Issues. It alleviates many physical symptoms including: Stress, Anxiety, Anger, P.T.S.D, Abuse, Fear or Phobia, Pain, Allergies, Coping with Illness, Addictions, undesirable Habits, Unhelpful Wealth Beliefs, Low Self Esteem and Relationship Problems and many more.

What is Matrix Reimprinting?


Does Matrix Reimprinting work?

Some of you may wonder does matrix reimprinting work? Well of course it does I have seen it working for many of my clients. Matrix reimprinting works by taking you into the Alpha state of mind which is the state in which you can access your subconscious mind and heal your younger self immediately after trauma has occurred or your inner child.


Within the brain in 1924 Hans Bergen discovered there were different frequencies of brainwaves measured by Hertz (Hz) from a low delta band  of 1-4Hz all the way up to Gamma activity of 30-140Hz. The 5 brainwave frequencies are:-

1) Gamma

2) Beta

3) Alpha

4) Theta

5) Delta


Matrix Reimprinting works by taking you into the Alpha state of mind so that you can access your subconscious mind

and heal your inner child or younger self immediately after trauma has happened.


Using specific but simple EFT tapping methods can help you to detraumatise your younger self, and review the unhelpful belief that was formed at the time. This is not to change a memory, but rather to subside the emotional (energy in motion) charge that was caused by the event.


Alongside this, Matrix Reimprinting enables you to consider the experience from an adult perspective and make a cognitive shift to think about it in a more helpful and logical way.





What is a Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner?

A Matrix reimprinting practitioner is an individual who has been trained and certified in the practive of Matrix Reimprinting, which is a therapeutic technique used to address and resole emotional issues, traumas and negative beliefs by working with past memories and perceptions.

How does Matrix Reimprinting work?
  1. Identifying the trauma or issue: The first step is to identify a specific traumatic or emotionally charged event from the past that is causing distress in the present life of a client. This could be a childhood trauma, past relationship or any significant event that happened in the past and has left a negative emotional imprint. 

  2. Creating a Mental "Matrix": In Matrix Reimprinting, it is believed that our memories and emotions are stored in an energy field or matrix. Practitioners guide clients to imagine stepping into this matrix, essentially revisiting the past event in their mind. 

  3. Reimprinting the Memory: While within the matrix, the client is encouraged to change the outcome or perception of the past event. This is often done by interacting with their past self (their younger self at the time of the trauma) and providing support comfort, support and healing. The goal is to create a new more positive memory or perspective.

  4. Integration: After the reimprinting process, the client is guided to integrate the new perception or memory into their current self. This is done to replace the negative emotional charge associated with the past event with a more positive and empowering one. 


Matrix Reimprinting is often used in conjunction with other energy psychology techniques like EFT, which involves tapping on specific meridian points on the body to release emotional and energetic blockages.

This is a overview of how Matrix Reimprinting works - 

1.    Identifying the Trauma or Issue: The first step is to identify a specific traumatic or emotionally charged event from the past that is causing distress in the present. This could be a childhood trauma, a past relationship, or any significant event that has left a negative emotional imprint.

2.    Creating a Mental "Matrix": In Matrix Reimprinting, it is believed that our memories and emotions are stored in an energy field or matrix,.  Practitioners guide clients to imagine stepping into this matrix, essentially revisiting the past event in their mind.

3.    Reimprinting the Memory: While within the matrix, the client is encouraged to change the outcome or perception of the past event. This is often done by interacting with their past self (their younger self at the time of the trauma) and providing comfort, support, and healing. The goal is to create a new, more positive memory or perspective.

4.    Integration: After the reimprinting process, the client is guided to integrate the new perception or memory into their current self. This is done to replace the negative emotional charge associated with the past event with a more positive and empowering one.

Matrix Reimprinting is often used in conjunction with other energy psychology techniques like EFT, which involves tapping on specific meridian points on the body to release emotional and energetic blockages.

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